SUSSEX COUNTY: The Sussex Tech Drama Club present Almost, Maine by John Cariani October 26th, 27th 28th. All performances will be held in the Commons Area Theater at Sussex Tech High School, 17099 County Seat Highway, Georgetown. Tickets are $10 for Students/Seniors and $12 for Adult and can be purchased at Anthony.natoli@sussexvt.k12.de.us.
NEW CASTLE COUNTY: Delaware Art Museum, 2301 Kentmere Parkway, Wilmington. Info on current traveling exhibits
NEW CASTLE COUNTY: The Grand, 818 No. Market St., Wilmington. Upcoming events
NEW CASTLE COUNTY: Wilmington and Brandywine Valley performing arts, various locations: Info
SUSSEX/KENT COUNTIES: Southern Delaware performing arts and theaters, various locations. Info
STATEWIDE: Numerous programs from Delaware Children in Nature Coalition to get the kids outside enjoying the environment and learning about it. Info